Bosnia and Herzegovina


Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Food:
    • Dish: Bosnian pot
  • Languages:
    • Languages Spoken: Bosnian
  • Climate:
    • Temperature: 9.85°C
  • Other Information:
    • Calling Code: 387
    • Currency: Convertible Mark (BAM)
    • Top Level Domain: .ba
    • Government: Federal Republic
    • Independence: 1992
    • ISO Code: 70
    • Life Expectancy: 71.5
    • Religion: Christianity

Country map

Bosnia and Herzegovina map
  • Geography:
    • Country Code: BA
    • Population: 3323929
    • Area: 51197 km²
    • Continent: Europe
    • Location: Southern Europe
  • Places:
    • Capital: Sarajevo
    • Cities count: 40